Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is not used by the body to synthesize proteins. It is used to produce carnosine, which is a dipeptide that plays a role in buffering the acidity of muscles during intense exercise.
Beta-alanine is believed to enhance exercise performance by increasing muscle carnosine levels, which can delay the onset of fatigue and improve high-intensity exercise performance.
Side Effects
Some users may experience a temporary ‘pins and needles’ sensation or a burning, itching, or flushed feeling on the scalp or ears due to the supplement.
Supplement Recommendations
Transparent Labs BULK is a popular pre-workout supplement that contains 4,000mg of beta-alanine, 6,000mg of citrulline, and 2,500mg of other ingredients.
Understanding Beta-Alanine
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that does not contribute to protein synthesis. It combines with histidine to produce carnosine, which is stored in skeletal muscles and enhances athletic performance.
Not used for protein synthesis
Combines with histidine to produce carnosine
Enhances athletic performance
Role of Beta-Alanine for Athletes
Produces carnosine with histidine
Not used for protein synthesis
Transparent Labs BULK
Anyone looking for a super stacked pre-workout and beta-alanine supplement
Understanding Paresthesia
Understanding Paresthesia
Q: What is paresthesia?
A: Acute paresthesia is a temporary, harmless sensation of pins and needles, often caused by the intake of beta-alanine supplements. It can also manifest as a burning, itching, or flushed feeling on the scalp or ears. This sensation is a natural response to the supplement’s effects and usually subsides within a short period.